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Written by Peter Blanch

Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. 

Though it cost all you have, get understanding. 

Proverbs 4:7


This is clear a directive from God to us all about wisdom. God wants us to know that wisdom is supreme. It is a matter of first importance in life to get wisdom. As proverbs keeps telling us, wisdom is far more precious then silver or gold, life in all its fullness is only found in being wise [Proverbs 3:13-18, 8:10-11, 16:16]. Therefore the directive is to get wisdom.

Now as God gives this clear directive, He is upfront about cost. God says, “though it costs you all you have, get understanding”. That is a high price to pay and God in speaking this way with you is persuading you to see the value of wisdom as so that you will be prepared to pay the price to get it. 

It is important to understand the costs when it comes to wisdom, because the costs are not just what you need to be willing to pay to get it They are also the price you will pay if you don’t get wisdom. In the book of proverbs the only alternative to wisdom is folly and the problem with folly is that it is cheap and easy. It takes no self control and careful thought, folly needs no discipline or preserving in godliness. It is easy and cheap, and therefore attractive to all us us. But it is only easy and ched),s(e,dt),f(n.callback_loaded,e,a),i||N(n,a),z(l)},function(t){var e,n,a,i;n=r,a=c,i=d(e=o),R(e,n,a),_(e,n.class_error),s(e,_t),f(n.callback_error,e,a),i||N(n,a),z(l)})}function G(t,e,n){var a,i,o,r,c;t.llTempImage=document.createElement("IMG"),T(t,e,n),E(c=t)||(c[st]={}),o=n,r=l(a=t,(i=e).data_bg),c=l(a,i.data_bg_hidpi),(r=at&&c?c:r)&&('url("'.concat(r,'")'),g(a).setAttribute(ot,r),L(a,i,o)),O(t,e,n)}function D(t,e,n){var a;T(t,e,n),a=e,e=n,(t=It[(n=t).tagName])&&(t(n,a),L(n,a,e))}function V(t,e,n){var a;a=t,(-1